Network Infrastructure Architect

  The primary task of a Network Infrastructure Architect is to design and set up computer networks, which includes Internet connections, intranets, local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), wireless LANs, and data communications networks, among others. The individual’s responsibility also includes ensuring that all the systems a company or an organization are operating optimally.

Architects analyze how existing and future networks will support their organization’s operations, besides also monitoring and organizing any projects related to networks. To optimize the technological abilities of an organization, they manage networks security and boost data transfers to make sure that all the systems are working to their fullest potential.

Primarily, network architects design efficient network infrastructures that satisfy the short-term as well as the long haul IT and commercial requirements of their organization or clients.

They should have excellent analytical and problem-solving skills. Architects need to have solid communications skills because they would interact with people from different departments within an organization. 


They assess existing systems to provide sufficient security to ensure that they meet the needs of all the users and coordinate with all the departments in an organization so that the systems are working efficiently. They analyze business requirements to identify where they can integrate new hardware, operating systems, and connectivity solutions.

Engineers configure, install, maintain, and support firewalls, routers, switches, and wireless equipment. They respond tickets that users raise by providing technical support and assistance.

An architect can also suggest improvements or other technologies to top management.

They need to troubleshoot network and system issues and breakdowns as required, including security issues. 

Engineers deploy operate enterprise networking solutions efficiently and ensure that it is always accessible. They implement new networking technologies or upgrade existing technologies to improve services and capabilities.


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