How to Become a Computer Engineer?

      Computer Engineer Career Overview

Computer engineers can work with software, hardware, or applications and systems development. They work to meet customer needs based on usability, functionality and logic. Job responsibilities include conceptualizing and designing new systems based on end-user needs, testing and troubleshooting various aspects of computer systems, including hardware, software-software, and network systems. IT engineers can also be involved in software development, especially from the standpoint of hardware support and feasibility consulting.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, projected employment growth from 2018-2028 for computer hardware engineers is 6%, an average rate. For computer software developers, this figure is 21%. As of May 2019, the median salary for computer hardware engineers was $ 117,220 (BLS). According to, the median salary for computer software engineers working on system software was $ 81,000 (March 2020); and the median salary for computer software engineers working on applications was $ 76,000 (January 2020).

Required Essential Education for Computer Engineer

A bachelor’s degree is generally the minimum education required for a computer engineer. Most employers require students to have a bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer programming, computer engineering, computer systems, electrical engineering, or a computer-related field. Employers prefer graduates with computer programming skills and knowledge of a wide range of programming languages.

Doing an internship under the guidance of an experienced computer engineering professional is the best way to learn the technical skills and applications required to become a computer engineer. Many internship programs are available for undergraduate credit in an important way. Work placements offer practical experience for non-professionals as well as those with no experience in the field. Most employers do not employ a computer engineer who does not have the necessary experience.

Certificate For Computer Engineers

Voluntary professional certification for computer engineers is offered by the Institute of Electrical and Electrical Engineers (IEEE). A qualification can be an incentive for those who want to speed up their careers. To apply for the exam, a three-year degree, as well as work experience, is required. A pass score on the written exam will certify an individual as a Certified Software Development Professor (CSDP).

Computer engineers could work on any aspect of computer systems engineering, from hardware to software, and their duties could include designing computer systems, troubleshooting existing systems, and developing applications to meet the needs of the customer.

Steps to Become a Computer Engineer

Step 1: Training

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that a college degree is usually the basic requirement for entry-level computer engineering jobs; however, depending on the job, a master’s degree may be preferred ( Bachelors in computer engineering are available, although other degree programs consistent with this vocation include computer science, information systems, software engineering, software development, and other related disciplines.

In the case of a traveler, depending on your advanced technology, your course may include courses in detailed analysis, basic data, design, and software programs. Your undergraduate research will include advanced learning in the subject area within the chosen subject, which may include business architecture, good software and testing, research and simulation skills.

Step 2: Consider Certification

It does not require a certificate but it is a recommended type of technical information. Awards can be received through commercial organizations, such as the Institute of Electricity and Electrical Engineering (IEEE). Additionally, you may receive certification in software-based applications through distributed customers. For example, if you have a certificate in Microsoft Windows, you are more likely to get a job at a company that uses this operating system.

Step 3: Get Neat Work

As a computer engineer, you can work for a wide variety of organizations. You can be employed by technology companies that design and implement products, such as program operations, centralization, computer games, and utility applications. You can also work for non-tech companies that use information technology for their operations, such as billing, payment, and product listings. According to the BLS, job opportunities for all computer users are expected to grow by 24% between 2016 and 2026. In 2018, the average salary for computer engineers specializing in software programs is $ 103,620, while software specialists that’s $ 110,000. .

Step 4: Join a trade association

Trade associations offer members various benefits, such as continuing education opportunities, professional networking resources, and industry updates. Some of the commercial organizations you may join include the Software & Information Industry Association, the International Association for Computer Information Systems, and the IEEE.

Step 5: Keep Up to Date

Staying up to date with new technologies, procedures and industry initiatives is important to day-to-day operations. Industry updates and continuing education programs can be provided by employers, but are also available through trade associations, colleges, and software vendors. Such programs may be available in the form of professional development courses, conferences and seminars.


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